Fitness New York

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Proudly  Introducing you to...
The MuscleHead's Fat Loss Formula

If you've ever wanted to know the secrets to getting ripped to shreds, but have been let down by supplements, personal trainers or any rubbishy gimmick, then this will be one website you'll want to read very, very carefully...

Here's what you get in The MuscleHead's Fat Loss Formula:

The Fat Loss Formula book


This is the book that contains all the nitty gritty. It's my second book, but I'm still not the greatest literary genius ever. So if you're after Shakespeare, you should look somewhere else.

But if you just want the right information to help you burn fat at will, then there are paragraphs in this book, whole chapters in this book that will change your physique forever.

I start off with some background knowledge and quickly move into the exact techniques you need to be using in order to lose maximum fat in minimum time.

No stone is left unturned. It's chock full of: "Do this, then do that" instructions, so you're never left confused and dazed. It's written in simple language that even a school kid could understand.

The Fat Loss Formula Meal Plans

Diet is perhaps the most important aspect of the Fat Loss Formula. Getting it right on your own isn't always easy. But with the Fat Loss Formulas meal plans, it couldn't be any easier.

Just print them off and eat what it says. No complex instructions, no thinking required at all! Just read and follow. There are several weeks worth of meal plans here, so you never have to worry about getting bored with the same foods over and over.

The meal plans are also designed to take you from beginner all the way to ripped (you'll need different plans for each level) so you can be confident in achieving your goals.

The Fat Loss Formula Workout Plans

While diet is paramount, your exercise regime is also extremely important. I take all the confusion out of what sort of exercise to perform with these workout plans.

Just follow the workout plans and you're guaranteed success. There's no thinking, just read it and apply it right away. The workouts are broken up into 4 phases, so you'll never run out of things to do, regardless of where you are.

The Fat Loss Formula Bodyfat Tracker

Keeping track of your bodyfat percentage is not only important, but it's satisfying to see how your body fat declines into insignificance over time.

With the bodyfat tracker, you'll be able to track your bodyfat using several methods and you'll be able to track everything graphically. Forget using manual formulas and all that complicated stuff, the body fat tracker will handle it all for you.

It even tells you how long it will be until you reach your ideal body fat level.

The Fat Loss Formula Exercise Tracker

You know exercise is important, but far too many people fall into the trap of not doing enough. With the exercise tracker, you'll be able to workout exactly how many calories you burn per week.

Don't worry about using a calculator and your brain, just enter a couple of numbers and let the exercise tracker do the rest.

Here are three of the most valuble and biggest tips that
The MuscleHead's Fat Loss Formula will give you...

*  How to call upon a secret fat burning ally at will

*How to trick your metabolism into burning more fat than it wants to

      * Why eating more is actually the best way to lose fat (despite what 99% of the population think)

The MuscleHead's Fat Loss Formula  is Proudly presented by
The New York Fitness folks
